Helping, & Uplifting
Women & Children of Marginalized &
Deprived Communities.

You Can Now…

Give the necessity of food,

Improve quality education,

Improve mental health awareness, therapy access, and affordability.

Help communities impacted by climate change and environmental disasters.

Let's Change the Course of Poverty.

Let’s Uplift Humanity with Inclusion

811 million people starve and sleep without food daily, 10% of the world’s population. 787 million children of primary age are out of school. 

help and heal corp.

Help and Heal Corp is a registered 501 (3) c, non-profit charitable organization working to help, heal & uplift women & children of deprived & low income communities.

help and heal corp Programs

Our Hunger Relief Program provides the necessity of food to thousands of people in deprived communities.

Our “Educational Aid Programpays for school fees, admission fees, books, uniforms, and related expenses for children of deprived communities.

Our “Climate Change & Sustainability Program” is an awareness program, providing research, education, skill training resources, and climate mitigation strategies to inform vulnerable communities on a subject that impacts them the most. 

Our “Women’s Mental Health Awareness- Virtual Platformhas been developed to create a safe space for women of diverse cultures to normalize conversations on Womanhood. 

Our “Request a Therapy Session Programhas been developed to help anyone in need of Mental Health therapy and counselling.

Through your help we can do so much more.


Volunteers In 2020


People We Helped In 2020

$ 0 M

Funds We Collected

Help The Poors With Alone Organization

We Are World WIde Organization

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Organization Causes

Protect and enhance poverty.

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei. Mei an periculaeuripidis.

Multiple Event & Conference

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.

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The Help and Heal Corporation (H&H Corp) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public Charity. 

Contributions and Donations are deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law. 

Public Charity Status: 509(a)(2)

Help and Heal Corporation federal tax ID number: 92-1409277