Shirley Rommel

Shirley Rommel

Senior Research and Engagement Manger
Senior Research and Engagement Manger

I have done my Bachelor’s in General Studies. I have 10+ years of professional experience in Quality Assurance, International Recruitment Department, and Client Handling & Engagement. 

I love reading novels. I am a Bibliophile. Reading is a mini vacation for my brain that develops critical thinking skills. My favorite genre is mystery and crime fiction.

I love to research personal development & leadership skills, which will be one of my focused areas of work with H&H Corp.

I am excited to serve my time, passion, and skills to carry our mission goals and conquer our vision to contribute towards a better tomorrow by helping & uplifting the neediest of deprived communities.

I’m honored to work with Help & Heal Corporation as a Senior Outreach & Engagement Coordinator. I am super excited to do some great work that serves a greater purpose & makes a difference in the world.

The Help and Heal Corporation (H&H Corp) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public Charity. 

Contributions and Donations are deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law. 

Public Charity Status: 509(a)(2)

Help and Heal Corporation federal tax ID number: 92-1409277