Sana Tariq

Sana Tariq

Board of Directors & Senior Director, Program Management.
Board of Directors & Senior Director, Program Management.

I have a bachelors in phycology and a Bachelor’s in Education. I have a resilient personality with the ability to overcome hardships and obstacles. I take honor and pleasure in looking for solutions. I believe in the saying,” focus on the solution, not the problem.” 

I like listening to music and enjoy poetry. I support and believe in the well-being and acceptable living standards for human life.  

I am passionate about helping disadvantaged communities. Therefore I am excited to use my unique skills, love, and passion to bring Help and Heal Corporation’s mission to light. 

As the Board of Director & Senior Director of Program Management, I will be there every step of the way to help local communities through our programs and do the best I can to ensure that Help and Heal Corporations’ mission, goals, and values are well delivered.

The Help and Heal Corporation (H&H Corp) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public Charity. 

Contributions and Donations are deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law. 

Public Charity Status: 509(a)(2)

Help and Heal Corporation federal tax ID number: 92-1409277