Saima John Jerry

Saima John Jerry

Co-Founder & Board of Directors
Co-Founder & Board of Directors

I am a single mom of 3 beautifully grown adults. I’m a Medical Esthetician & Co-Founder of Help and Heal Corp.

I have worked in the beauty and health industry for 30 years. I love my profession because it’s a globally recognized skill. This skill helped me become my family’s first female homeowner and entrepreneur. In the past 55 years, I have moved countries and taken my skills everywhere I went. 

I am absolutely passionate about helping women and children. I have been doing charitable work since my early 20s. Giving back to the community is a massive part of my vision. 

Therefore my daughter and I worked together to found Help and Heal corporation. 

My goal is to ensure that children get the chance to avail education.

I want to help reduce starvation and develop food resources for the needy. Food is a necessity that no one should be deprived of. 

Finally, my vision and life-yearning goal are to help young women become entrepreneurs. To provide that extra hand that can help uplift poor communities. 

Through my knowledge, education, and work experience, I vision developing a Beauty Institution Center where women can develop a skill and get the necessary training to earn on their own two feet just like I once did.

Therefore as a Founder & Board of Directors at Help and Heal Corporation, I am absolutely excited and looking forward to helping females of oppressed communities to become the women entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

The Help and Heal Corporation (H&H Corp) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public Charity. 

Contributions and Donations are deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law. 

Public Charity Status: 509(a)(2)

Help and Heal Corporation federal tax ID number: 92-1409277