Saima Aneel

Saima Aneel

Board of Directors & Senior Director, Field Research & Operations
Board of Directors & Senior Director, Field Research & Operations

I have a graduate degree in Business Administration with 25 years of demonstrated experience in Administration, Logistics, Procurement, Front desk, and Fleet Management. 

My previous work has been focused on foreign non-profit/ charity missions. I have worked with the International NGO and Development sector. I, therefore, have expert knowledge of board roles and responsibilities. I have proven experience supervising staff at national and international levels in all Pakistan provinces.

I believe in the good intended vision and mission strategies of Help and Heal Corporation’s mission. 

I love working with diverse cultures, religions, races, and backgrounds. Based on this, I am also keen to work with multicultural teams. 

I am grateful to be a part of Help and Heal Corp, where life has a greater purpose. I feel honored to be a part of such a diverse team. 

I am highly motivated to fulfill my roles and responsibilities as a board of Directors and a Senior Director of Field and management operations.

The Help and Heal Corporation (H&H Corp) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public Charity. 

Contributions and Donations are deductible for federal income tax purposes as allowed by law. 

Public Charity Status: 509(a)(2)

Help and Heal Corporation federal tax ID number: 92-1409277